My Chinese parents, who were born in Jamaica, chose to live in Canada.
And, I am grateful.
I am grateful because I have lived an extremely rich life - a life filled with endless humour and joy; a life guided by cherished tradition and valued history; a life where I have been inspired to challenge myself to be better, to learn, to be creative, to welcome diversity.
I am grateful that I grew up with the largest and the greatest extended family. The Jamaican Chinese community in Canada has been a small, but dynamic group since the 70s. Together, we have created an invaluable network of support, comfort and encouragement. We have made each other stronger, while always remembering to look outward to help those that have been sick or in need.
I am grateful for the strong work ethic and courage exhibited by the Hakka men who left their families in China to work the cane fields of Jamaica. I am inspired by the families who set up shop, all while raising large families. They all took chances. And they persevered.
I am grateful for the celebrations that we share. Every dance, every wedding, every charity event and every picnic I have gone to since I was a baby, has given me the opportunity to see love in action; to acquire an appreciation for life; and to strengthen my commitment to family and community.
What does it mean to be a Canadian with Jamaican Chinese parents? It means I have been very blessed.
And, I am grateful.