Do you worry about what will happen when you can no longer look after yourself at home? Maybe you have parents, relatives or friends who need extra care but don't want to go into a nursing home? Come to Tsung Tsin's Chat Room on Saturday, May 6, 2017 with your questions. Vanessa Fung, Social Worker will try and answer your questions.

Vanessa works with Carefirst, a long-term care public health agency. As the attached flyer says 'When we need that additional help at home for an aging family member, Carefirst has a vast amount of options.' The Chat Room will be from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m., and admission is only $5.00. There is no charge for TTA members, but a donation is always welcome.
Please contact: Marjorie (905) 831-1805 or Email: