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News from the TTA

Our Connection with The First Nation People of Fenelon Falls

Debbie Chin Fook

Updated: Nov 17, 2020

Helping and giving unconditionally of one’s self is the backbone of the Hakka teaching and our Tsung Tsin community showed this spirit in a great way. With the added fact that we are Jamaicans and Canadians, giving is buried deep within our souls to always help those in need.

When the opportunity posed itself on how the First nation people and our community could help each other, it was a perfect match and I was ready to see how to make it happen. They had a need and Tsung Tsin people knew how to share. A used clothing drive with special interest in children’s clothes was set into motion. A quick email was sent out to all our members - we were in production. The response was unbelievable! With all the hard work and loving hearts, we were able to deliver over five large loads, all from under our stairwell.

With the heavy lifting done by Paighe, my son-in- law and nephew, we did this all within a month. First taking them to a church basement in Whitby, then my neighbour’s garage, we found helping hands and hearts every step of the way. Christmas was fast approaching and with the change in weather, our members delivered gifts for the children including winter coats and shoes.

Our younger members also took it upon themselves to give this holiday season too! My daughter Paighe, hosted her Christmas party and instead of exchanging Christmas gifts they all collected toiletries for our drive. Jennifer’s daughters, Jessica, Samantha and Alexis, did not hesitate to also donate and our resident health provider, Alex Ngui collected from his patients and also donated; thank you all.

Wayne Moss is 80 years old, and he is our wonderful mission driver, driving over 2 hours each way, rain or snow without hesitation. On one of his visits, I asked his reasoning for doing this and how much help is there?? He shared the same feeling we do; speaking from the heart he said “ I do it out of love for the people and that these people REALLY, REALLY need our help”. As to the amount of help there is? He said “I am part of a team of church people all around the same age that repackages and another set of helpers with tractor trailers, that delivers in those far reaching areas. delivering for free, they are willing to just add things to their load”. It's amazing how the small actions of one individual can have such a large impact.

We will be collecting in the spring, hoping to share our giving nature with even more reservation locations. This time we hope to stress for used towels and sheets, with these items, they will be repurposed into diapers for babies and elders.

Please continue to help, let's do our part.

Thank you ,

Debbie Chin Fook

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