Let's have a drum roll please. We are so excited!!! Tsung Tsin Association of Ontario now has its very own website. You can go to www.tsungtsinontario.ca and get all the information you need of past, present and future events and activities. Thank you to Bruce Chung who has been working on it for the past several months.
The website is so easy to use. Just click on the different subject headings. There is Home page which has a synopsis of what is covered; All About Us which lets you know what Tsung Tsin is all about, and a welcome letter from President Jennifer Chin; Events - current and future, and you can also view some videos and photos; Activities - a description of each activity and who to contact - ping pong, bridge, mahjong, exercise classes, etc.; Gallery - lots of photos of the events and activities and you can try and see if you are featured; Archives which will have past events and a Contact where you can either fill in for new membership online, or renew your membership. Payment will still be by mail or personal delivery though.
Please take a look at the website. You will love it!