The event was hosted by Marjorie Lue Sang and our host Silvana Mc Crumb, along with her help - Marie. These ladies were from a Weekly church gathering of ladies in Whitby whom have devoted their time to making bedding from cast off milk bags. It takes 400 or more stripped milk bags to make one queen size bedding. These are then donated to the less fortunate here and abroad.

After meeting Silvana last summer, when she was instrumental in our clothing drive, I knew Tsung Tsin members would appreciate seeing how this was done and how they could help. Silvana was very happy to facilitate us. What a great day! And as President Jennifer said, the memory that stayed in her mind is : “ seeing Cecil Lee at one end working with a young girl at the other end, such a large generational gap working together towards a common goal.”. We have achieved our goal, the family circle, filling the gap. Let’s hope we can do this and more like it.
Debbie Chin Fook.