Have you ever looked at a painting and wished you could paint something similar, or just have the courage to pick up a paint brush and be creative?

Shirley Wong, a TTA member and talented artist will be painting and leading 3 classes, step-by-step, to complete 2 beautiful landscapes and a seascape in acrylic, using a palette knife and brushes. The first painting will be a monochromatic landscape; the second painting will feature a seascape with ocean spray crashing on rocks; and the third painting will be a Group of Seven style Fall scene. Art equipment will be provided.
Each class will cost $35 for members and $40 for non-members.
April 26 - registration deadline is February 15, 2025 (26 spaces available)
June 14 - registration deadline is May 1, 2025 (29 spaces available)
Sept. 6 - registration deadline is August 1, 2025 (29 spaces available)
If you register for all 3 classes on/before February 15, 2025, the cost will be $100 for members and $115 for non-members (29 places available).
To register, please contact Shirley at:
shirleytmwong@hotmail.com or call 905-887-8131.