Do you hear what I hear? Christmas is around the corner, and the best way to kick off the most wonderful time of the year and have a merry little Christmas is by coming to our Christmas Musical dinner and dance. Save Saturday, December 9th and have a rocking time!
Our festive menu will have baked ham, fricassee chicken, rice 'n peas, garden salad, candied yams, rolls and scrumptious desserts. A great show will be put on by our Karaoke Funtime Club, and there will be dancing and door prizes. Tickets are $50 and TTA Members pay $45. Children under 12 pay $20.
Doors will open at 6 p.m. and the cut-off date for reservations is December 4, 2023.
For tickets, call:
Janet - 647-532-7729
Shirley - 416-471-9764
Denise - 647-544-8848
You can pay by e-transfer to: tsungtsinontario@gmail.com
See full details in the flyer HERE