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News from the TTA

Tuesday Matinee - April 23, 2024


Updated: May 7, 2024

Tuesday afternoon at the movies is back!  Pushing Hands, the famous director Ang Lee's debut movie, is a touching, humorous story of East meets West and generational conflict.  Actor Sihung Lung won Taiwan's Best Actor award for this movie about a retired Tai Chi master who comes to America and lives with his son, Caucasian daughter-in-law and grandchildren. 

Movie time on Tuesday, April 23rd is 1 p.m. in the main hall.  Entry charge is $6 per adult (includes snacks).  Please call Rudy at 416-560-0631 and leave your name, telephone number and how many in your party are attending.

Please keep an eye on upcoming matinees in May and June.


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